The Planets


The planets of our solar system are ungrateful sights in binoculars. Although they are the closest celestial bodies besides the Moon, they require high magnification. Even today, the classic piece of equipment for them is a long focal length refractor telescope. Binoculars hardly reveal any details, but they can show the planets as small circles which thus differ significantly from the stars. Even large binoculars still struggle with resolving even the most striking surface features.

If you want to know which planets are visible right now, you can find out by using an astronomical yearbook. Many newspapers also print monthly sky surveys. In addition, you can easily create finder charts on your own with a computer.

Der maßstäbliche Vergleich mit dem Mond zeigt, wie klein die Planeten am Himmel sind. Für Venus und Mars ist jeweils der größte und kleinste Durchmesser dargestellt, der mit dem Abstand zur Erde schwankt.
The comparison of moon and planets in the same scale shows how small the planets will appear in an eyepiece. Venus and Mars are shown with their largest and smallest diameter, which depends on their distance from the Earth.


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