Preface to the Digital Release

You may wonder why I’ve put a complete book online.  “Starry Sky for Binoculars” is a spin-off of a much larger project: Many years ago I started to collected all the information about objects for binoculars and interesting facts about stars and mythology. The result was a 300 pages thick book which is so far only available in German: Astronomie mit Fernglas und Rich-Field-Teleskopen.

The book which is presented on this website is a much smaller version which was initially written for a publisher, but because of various reasons (mostly because of budget and a small market) it was never printed. After some time in the “development hell” I decided to self-publish it, and use (at least the German version) also as “teaser” for the larger book. So, it is an experiment in E-publishing. That’s also the reason why you are free to share it, as long as you don’t earn money with it (non-commercial use, etc.).

But if you like it, feel free to buy a copy of it – it is available at Amazon as ebook as well as paperback.  But even if you don’t buy it, I wish you clear skies and hope that you enjoy stargazing!

August 2014

Alexander Kerste

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