The Northern Sky

The so called circumpolar stars are those close to Polaris, the North Star. These stars never go below the horizon; instead they circle in the course of one night (or one year) around the celestial pole. In particular, the eye-catching circumpolar constellations, the Big and Little Dipper as well as Cassiopeia are therefore well suited to orient you in the night sky.

Even if these constellations are always visible, you can observe the objects of interest in them best when they are as high in the sky as possible. Unfortunately, there are not a lot of interesting objects close to the celestial North Pole. In this direction, we are looking out of the plane of the Milky Way into a region of the sky without many galaxies. The Milky Way is striking only in the region of Cepheus and Cassiopeia. These two constellations are known for a number of impressive star clusters. Their best visibility, however, is during autumn and winter, when the magnificent winter Milky Way in the south attracts the most attention, so the constellations then lead a shadow existence close to the celestial pole.


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