
Although galaxies are made up of billions of stars, they are also several million light-years away and therefore very faint. Even large telescopes show only a weak, gray shimmer, which is often perceived only with averted vision. The famous, magnificent photographs are the result of long exposure times – the eye is limited to an exposure time of about 1/24 second. Nevertheless, many galaxies are perceptible even in binoculars. However, you will see, even with averted vision, not much more than a fuzzy star, and a washed out light spot or a short line, depending on the orientation of the galaxy. Only very few galaxies seem impressive at low magnification.

Die meisten Galaxien erscheinen nur als kleiner Strich oder als verwaschener Stern. M 104 ist eine der hellsten Galaxien, die wir in Kantenlage sehen.
Most galaxies appear only as a small line or fuzzy star. M104 is one of the brightest edge-on galaxies.

But there are exceptions where the binocular is clearly superior to the telescope. The Andromeda galaxy M 31 is our nearest big neighbor galaxy and only 3.2 million light-years away. In the sky it appears about 3° in size, which corresponds to six times the full Moon. Only with binoculars or a very short focal length telescope you have a chance to see it in full extent. Under dark skies it is quite good to see, and its two companion galaxies are also in the range of a pair of 10×50 binoculars. The Triangulum Galaxy M 33 in the constellation Triangulum with more than 1° diameter is a very difficult goal for a telescope, while quite feasible in binoculars – but again only if the sky background is dark enough. In general, galaxies need some observation experience – they aren‘t very striking visually.

Those galaxies where we look from the top down onto the spiral arms are called face-on galaxies. If we can only see the edge, they are called edge-on galaxies.

You need a very dark sky to be successful when hunting galaxies. You won‘t have any luck close to cities, or you will see nothing more than the nucleus as a dim star.

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