Leo Minor

The Little Lion was first introduced in 1690 to fill the gap between the Lion and the Great Bear. Its brightest star shines only at 3.8m. Even a large telescope shows no significant objects in this constellation except for a few faint galaxies.

The Sailboat Cluster Harrington 6 is either a loose open cluster or just an asterism – a random collection of nine stars, reminiscent of a stylized sailing boat. The mast points south, so that the boat is upside down in binoculars. The sailboat has a diameter of almost 1° and was first described in 1988 by Daniel Hudak in the Deep Sky Journal. Its brightest star is 22 Leonis Minoris at 6.5m. It is located about halfway between β Leonis Minoris and μ Leonis, a little closer to the main star of the Little Lion than to the star in the head of the Lion.

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