
The hare hides from the eyes of Orion directly under the celestial hunter. This little known constellation is known since ancient times, but is often overlooked.

γ Leporis is one of the most beautiful double stars for binoculars. A 3.8m bright, yellow star is separated by 95 arc seconds from a 6.4m bright, yellow or orange companion. Of course, the perception of color is subjective, and it has also been described as pale green. The 29 light-years distant system is a physical double star, the two stars are 1,000 AU apart.

John Russell Hind described the star R Leporis in 1845 as a “drop of blood against the background of the sky”. The star is also known as Hind’s Crimson Star ever since. It is a carbon star whose brightness varies within 420-440 days between 5.5 and 11.7m, so that it is not always visible in binoculars. While it seems more like copper during the maxima, it is deep red during the minima. The 820 light-years distant star has a surface temperature of only 4,900° F (2,700°C). Its intense red coloration comes from both carbon compounds in the stellar atmosphere and from a cloud of dust between the star and us, which attenuates the blue portion of the light.

M 79 is a star-rich globular cluster, but it can‘t be resolved in binoculars. It thus looks like an eight minutes of arc large nebula with a total luminosity of 7.7m. It has a diameter of 110 light-years and is located 42,500 light-years away.

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